Energy Saving / Clean Energy

Sumitomo drives CO2 reduction at the site

Only if we all do our part will the global greenhouse gas reduction targets be achievable.

Sumitomo is facing up to its social obligation - also with far-reaching energy-saving projects and the support of our employees in electric mobility.

Sumitomo will rely 100% on renewable energies in the future. With a new photovoltaic system that supplies up to 120,000 kilowatt hours of electricity per year, we are now a good step closer to our goal.

Together with our combined heat and power plant, we can already generate around 15 % of our energy needs ourselves.

"Only if we all do our part will the targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions be achievable",

Florian Butzmann explains.


"We rely both on circular economy in which the product is kept in operation for as long as possible and made available again to the economic cycle through recycling, and on a mix of energy saving, the use of renewable energies and the in-house production of electricity in order to meet our social responsibility."

Florian Butzmann


More photovoltaic plants are planned for next year, which will supply an additional 750 000 kilowatt hours of electricity per year.

Considering the total annual consumption of 2.1 GW, this would already cover almost 50% of the company's own needs.

In order to stay true to the thread, the demand that arises beyond this will be covered by the purchase of electricity generated by renewable energies.