Energy saving plan
Comprehensive energy saving plan at the Markt Indersdorf site

In order to be able to produce as climate-neutrally as possible, Sumitomo is pursuing an ambitious plan and is constantly putting measures to the test:
- We are currently considering how to expand the photovoltaic system by installing additional modules on free roof areas.
- The MCD production hall must be constantly air-conditioned for technical production reasons; here, too, electricity and waste heat from the combined heat and power plant are used. In 2020, this meant that 400,000 kWh less had to be purchased.
- The paint shop's heating system has been converted to natural gas, and a new paint shop will halve CO2 emissions during operation. The newly installed compressor system for compressed air generation requires almost 30 percent less energy.
- In offices, the lighting has been converted to LED technology and the production areas are gradually following suit.
Another action point is e-mobility. The vehicle fleet is being converted to hybrid or e-vehicles. There are three charging stations for a total of six electric vehicles at the building, which are supplied with electricity from the company's own production - employees can also charge their e-bikes there free of charge.